Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his deep concern regarding the recent violence incident at the Wistron’s iPhone manufacturing unit in Karnataka, said B S Yediyurappa on Thursday, as he promised absolute assistance and cooperation to the company for resuming the production. While addressing the reporters in Bengaluru, he further iterated that the government has directed the necessary instructions and requirements and there is no chance that the things will be repeated.
Yediyurappa said, “We have taken action, It is a very important foreign company and this (incident) should not have happened. The Prime Minister is also very much worried about this development.”
He further added, “We will give full support to that company, without any problem let them continue production.”
Earlier, on Saturday, some workers had created a scene at the factory operational by Taiwanese contract manufacturer for Apple in Kolar district over delayed payments of salary and overtime charges. More than 160 people were detained by the police officials connected with the violence which was enraging the workers as they attacked with windows, broke the windows and doors and vehicles in the parking lot were set on fire. The video footage of the violence was viral on social media.
The investigations were further going to testify the root cause of the violence were ongoing and a detailed report will be filed in a few days, said State Labour Minister Shivaram Hebbar. He gave a hope regarding resuming the factory production at the earliest and that Union Government is also involved in it. The Union Commerce and Industry Ministry has recommended the state government to finish inquiry regarding the violence as soon as possible and assured that investor sentiment was not altered by a mere incident. Alongside, State Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai took to Twitter to update about the incident, “The Wistron company which said Rs 437 crore loss earlier, now has in writing (said) that loss is Rs 43 crore, therefore, some international media is blowing (it) out of proportion.”