In the two different encounters that took place on Friday in Jammu and Kashmir, five terrorists were shot down. The security forces fired two of the five terrorists in the Tral area of Awantipora. According to the news agency ANI, Inspector General of Police said, “The operation is still underway.”
The encounter started at around 8 am in the morning at Nowbugh, where the security officials have confined by the area. Further details pertaining to the gun-fighting are yet not revealed.
The security forces are involved in a gun battle with the terrorists in the Shopian district for over 12 hours now, a count of three terrorists have been shot down. Two more terrorists are within the mosque premises firing continuously, as per the reports given by ANI.
From the terrorists in the Shopian district, the chief of condemned terrorist outfit Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind (JeM) is among them. But, as the identity of all the deceased terrorists is not clearly found out, it is still not sure whether he is still in the mosque premises.