The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officials investigated the Bengaluru residence of former minister and ex-MLA representing the Shivaji Nagar constituency, in the wee hours of morning on Monday in R Roshan Baig in the vicinity of Coles Park in Pulakeshinagar.
Baig, invalidated from Congress party, was arrested by the police officials on Sunday linked with the multi-crore Ponzi scam of I-Monetary Advisory (IMA).
CBI officials took the search warrant issued by the court and a team of over 10 officials proceeded with the raid and were assessing the electronic gadgets and the attached documents. The investigation is still underway, and simultaneously his family members were interrogated, the officials will present him to the court for the day urging for his police custody.
As the scam was being put forth in June, last year, Baig’s name was linked into the scam. He was interrogated by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) priorly, after which the case was transferred over to CCB.
Baig was subjected to judicial custody.had was quizzed prior to putting forth before the magistrate. Baig is directed to custody in the quarantine cell of Parappana Agrahara Central Jail.