Union Agricultural Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on Wednesday said that more than crores of farmers are getting the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY) and mentioned about settlement of Rs 90,000 crore in five years from 2014.
Tomar said, “In this largest agricultural insurance scheme of the world, farmers have got Rs 90,000 crore in claims.”
Tomar termed crop insurance as ‘suraksha kavach (security shield)’ for farmers during crop losses triggered by natural calamities and disasters. Tomar iterated on the success accomplished on completion of the five-year journey of the scheme which has yielded many experiences.
Tomar stated, “We all know the importance of agriculture in our country. Agriculture provides employment to almost half of the country’s population. There was a time when we used to worry about food. There was a time when we used to be concerned about food grains, but with the farmer-friendly policies of the government, hard work of the farmers and the research of our agricultural scientists, today our concern is not about production but ho to manage the production.”
He further added, “Today, when we think from the point of view of crop management, then we definitely have to think about crop diversification. The Centre and the state governments are working to see that farmers get better price for their produce.”
The agricultural minister stated the sector will be highly benefited by the Atmanirbhar package to the tune of around Rs 1.5 lakh crore. The farmers’ produce was highly prone to vulnerability when natural calamities are incident and Fasal Bima Yojna is intended to assist the farmers amid such situations. He then addressed the prime focus of the government headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has always been about developing the villages, farmers and the agricultural sector.