India’s first indigenous home-based self-testing Covid-19 kit with a rapid test which will identify the viral infection within a span of 15 minutes, has been launched into the commercial market and will be available for purchase at the pharmacies in the country in 2-3 days, according to the statement of the manufacturer, Mylab Discovery Solutions Ltd. on Thursday.
The testing kit will be known as CoviSelf, and the cost price for the same will be Rs 250 per unit.
In a statement, the Pune-based company said, “Mylab Discovery Solutions…. announces the commercial launch of its Covid-19 self-test kit, CoviSelf, after receiving approval from the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR). It is the first test kit for Covid-19 that can be self-administered by citizens at home, in India. This indigenous test kit will be distributed through to 95% of the PIN codes in the county and will be available over-the-counter at pharmacies and drugstores across India.”
Earlier on May 19, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) approved the home-based rapid antigen test (RAT) to detect Covid-19 to be sold commercially. This kit will be administered in a much similar way to the pregnancy kits.
The masses can also order the kit online via e-commerce platforms. The company will launch one million testing kits into the market commencing from Thursday and following the demands of the consumers, 7 million units will be available every week. The kit can be utilized for testing Covid-19 among people with or without any symptoms, and for people who are coming in direct contact with Covid-19 positive individuals. Each unit will constitute a testing kit, instructions leaflet, and a bag to safely dispose of the contents used to detect the virus.
Managing director of Mylab Discovery Solutions, Hasmukh Rawal said, “Self-testing should slow down the spread of Covid-19 significantly. We aim to make CoviSelf available across the country, especially for people in rural areas who have limited options for testing.”