Australian raid corners a Chinese journalist, Journo calls investigation ‘baseless’

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The Chinese media on Tuesday released intricate details about the Australian raid into the home of a Chinese journalist as a part of Australian anti-interference investigation in June stating that the action was unfounded and “baseless”.

China had mentioned earlier that four journalists were subjected to be raided by Australian intelligence for the broader on-going investigation for influencing an Australian politician in a plot.

The Chinese journalist, Yang Jingzhong, working as Sydney Bureau chief at state news agency Xinhua, stated, “I was shocked, but I quickly calmed down because I knew I had not violated any laws. However, my daughter had never experienced such a scene and was very frightened.”

Both the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Secret Intelligence continue to remain silent on the matter.

The Chinese journalist’s account iterated that Australia had not provided any clear and reasonable description for the investigation. Beijing had given the confirmation earlier that  all the four journalists have been brought back to China.

Working on the issues of “cultural and economic exchanges between China and Australia”, the journalist quoted that, “I have always put the promotion of friendship and cooperation between China and Australia as the focus of my work.”

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