The Karnataka state government intimated the redesignation of senior officials for the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagere Palike (BBMP), a day after the additional current chief secretary Gaurav Gupta took charge as the Chief Commissioner on Thursday.
Post the government superseded BBMP in September in 2020, Gupta who was appointed BBMP administrator has taken over further as the first chief commissioner under the BBMP Act, 2020, which was implemented into January 2021. He has taken over as the chief commissioner as Manjunatha Prasad will be finishing his tenure.
In the absence of an elected council with the tenure ended in September, the new BBMP administrator appointed is Rakesh Singh, who was the Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Development Department. The new elections were halted given the government is restructuring the wards according to the new law. Singh took over the responsibility profile from the Gupta.
Gaurav Gupta, as the chief commissioner assured that the current and planned works will be still continuing and progress will be monitored.
He said, “We will serve the people of Bengaluru better.” Gupta further added, “Our immediate priority is to contain the surge of the second wave of Covid-19 and enforce government rules.”
As per the top official, the BBMP will be using the available resources to further avail the resolution of the issues. The official said, “In the last seven months, I’ve seen the city’s problems at close quarters.”
About the COVID-19 scenario, Gupta revealed that he has not been aware of the surge in the cases with Covid clusters in city schools.
Singh affirms that the upcoming monsoon is an ardent challenge given the pandemic situation. He said, “The monsoon is only a few months away, and we must be well-prepared for it.” The official anticipated that with government support, they would be able to resolve the issues.