Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech has launched the indigenously prepared Covid-19 vaccine directly into the market for 14 states which comprises Delhi, Maharashtra, which has commenced from May 1, as per the statement given by Suchitra Ella, Joint Managing Director of the company.
The pharmaceutical company has taken the call for direct supply of the Covid-19 vaccine to the states according to the government allotted states.
Ella wrote on Twitter, “Bharat Biotech confirms direct supplies of COVAXIN to the following state govt’s since 1/5/21, based on the allocations received by GoI. Requests have been received from other states, & will be processed for distribution based on availability of stocks 24×7.”
Presently, Bharat Biotech will be supplying the vaccines to the states of Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Odisha.
The company had, earlier on April 29, declared a cut in the price of the Covid-19 vaccine Covaxin from the already declared ₹600 to ₹400 per dose for the states. The company was further lashed at for keeping the prices for the Central government a meagre amount of ₹150 per dose.