Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Bagel will be launching special mobile clinics exclusively for women on Thursday for commemorating the 103rd birth anniversary of former Prime Minister late Indira Gandhi.
According to the official statement passed, the special medical mobile clinics assigned for women, referred as ‘Dai-didi’ (mother-sister) clinics will be providing healthcare services and consultation for the women in the state particularly to make it accessible for the women from the slum areas free of any charges. For the services, to make it easier, only women doctors, nurses and lab technicians will be appointed.
The scheme ‘Chief Minister Urban Slum Health Scheme’ will be operating for the clinics. Also, during the initial stages of development, the clinics will be based in three corporations – Raipur, Bhilai, Bilaspur and the clinic will be moved to slum areas for some specific days.
Apart from the regular check-ups, the clinics specially catered for women, will have the add-on facilities off screening ailments like breast cancer, self-breast examination and also the routine and special screening of pregnant women.
It is commendable that the regular clinics are not having an individual ward allocated for women, which would avail them with the facilities kike inquiring about contraception and family planning strategies such as utilization of copper T, emergency pills, birth control pills, weekly pills for contraception or prevention, STD or family planning consultation.
(With inputs from ANI)