Raghav Saboo, a resident from Sharada Colony, located in Basaveshwara Nagar was given a vaccination slot at Chord Road Hospital on Friday for his grand parents post registration of their details on the Co-WIN portal.
However, when they went to the hospital, the authorities revealed they had no vaccine supply. Along with Saboo, there were two more families having vaccination appointment letters which they had downloaded from the Co-WIN portal and had to return empty-handed.
Raghav said to DH, “It was very inconvenient for my grandparents as they are wheelchair-bound. If there is no vaccine supply to a hospital, why are senior citizens being allotted a slot on the portal?.”
Dr Manoranjan Hegde, Health Officer, West, BBMP, verified the list of hospitals which had vaccination sessions lined up for March 5. He said, “Chord Road Hospital is not on the list. Unless we schedule a session in hospitals, Co-WIN should not be able to give appointment in any other hospital. I will discuss with the special commissioner why citizens are getting these appointments on the portal.”
Responding to the situation, Dr Krishna Murthy, Medical Superintendent of Chord Road Hospital said, “We are helpless. Citizens are even coming in and shouting at us for not vaccinating them. We have been mapped to the Kamalanagar primary health centre and should be supplied Covid vaccines by them. The medical officer of the PHC said they themselves did not receive the vaccines so there’s no question of supplying to us. The officer said we may receive the vaccines on March 8 or March 9.”
He further added, “We have so far had 15 phone calls from senior citizens saying they’ve got a slot in our hospital. Around three families even came down all the way here. Some of them asked for written conformation so we gave it in writing that we don’t have the vaccine supply yet.”
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