The husband has bought and gifted 3 acres of land in the lunar courtyard to his beloved wife.
Dharmendra Anija of Ajmer, Rajasthan, has bought three acres of land in the lunar courtyard for his 8th wedding anniversary. The wedding was held on December 24. Dharmendra Anija handed over papers to his wife Sapna, who bought the land on the moon.
I wanted to give Sapna something special Dharmendra Anija added so he had bought 3 acres of land on the moon. Land purchased through Luna Society International. But it is not stated how much money he have paid.
Bollywood actor Sushant Singh also claimed that he bought the moon in 2018.
Neeraj Kumar, a resident of Bodh Gaya, was in the news a few months ago for buying a 1-acre plot of the moon for his birthday.
The lunar courtyard has a human foothold. Right now, the only way to compete is to buy the land.