Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired the review meeting conducted on Friday with the council of ministers for detailed discussion about the worsening situation due to the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Amid the meeting, according to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting stated that the NITI Aayog member (Health) Dr VK Paul had given a presentation over the management of Covid-19 pandemic.
Prime Minister Modi appealed to the ministers during the meeting to help the public related to their respective locations and to take their consistent feedback as per I&B ministry. He further emphasized over the need to assure that the local issues are identified and then addressed and resolved at the earliest.
The Ministry stated in a statement, “The Council of Ministers meeting noted that the present pandemic crisis is ‘once in a century crisis’ and has thrown a big challenge for the world.”
Presently, India is undergoing a major health crisis due to the consistent spike in the Covid-19 cases and related fatalities. On Friday morning, the ministry of Health and Family Welfare declared that India has registered 3,86,452 fresh cases of Covid-19 and associated fatalities of 3,498 deaths over the period of previous 24 hours. Based on the official data, Maharashtra has recorded the highest daily casualties of 771, after which Delhi takes the lead with 395 deaths.
With severe issues in the healthcare infrastructure of the country, the first batch of Covid-19 assistance has been delivered to India from the United States comprising of 440 oxygen cylinders and regulators and along with 960,000 rapid diagnostic tests.
The I & B Ministry iterated the efforts taken by the Centre along with adequate cooperation and coordination with the states for overcoming the problems in the healthcare infrastructure were discussed amid the meeting.