The inaugural flight for the journey between San Francisco and Bengaluru scheduled for Saturday will be operated and managed by an all-women cockpit team according to the Civil Aviation Minister, Hardeep Singh Puri.
The Air India Flight will fly on Saturday above the North Pole and will arrive at Bengaluru by opting for the Atlantic route, revealed a senior official of the airline.
Puri took to Twitter to share the news. He tweeted, “All women cockpit crew consisting of Capt Zoya Aggarwal, Capt Papagari Thanmai, Capt Akansha Sonaware & Capt Shivani Manhas will operate the historic inaugural flight between Bengaluru & San Francisco.”
The flight journey distance between San Francisco and Bengaluru is considered to be one of the world’s longest route. Puri further said, “Air India’s woman power flies high around the world.”
The inaugural flight AI176 will be leaving San Francisco Airport from USA at 08.30 pm on Saturday and will be arriving at Bengaluru in India on Saturday and will land the Kempegowda Bengaluru International Airport around 3:45 am on Monday.