Indian foreign minister S Jaishankar Prasad and Canadian counterpart had a discussion emphasizing to enhance the existing trade ties amid the nations and boost the cooperation with respect to the Covid-19 pandemic as they were involved in a Track 1.5 dialogue co-hosted by think tanks.
S Jaishankar, India’s external affairs minister, spoke at the virtual conference. Jaishankar posted on Twitter that he was ‘delighted’ regarding the participation in the third edition of the dialogue along with the Canadian counterpart Francois-Philippe Champagne. He said, “Both of us expressed confidence in the further growth of our bilateral relationship. Underlined how closely India and Canada are cooperating in global affairs.”
Responding to Jaishankar’s tweet, Champagne stated, “We discussed our strong commercial and investment relationship, with record numbers in 2019 of more than $10bn in bilateral trade. We’ll continue to work together to bring it to its full potential.”
In the virtual conference held on Wednesday, India’s high commissioner to Ottawam Ajay Bisaria, and his counterpart based in New Delhi, Nadir Patel.
The discussions at the dialogue comprises of assessing “bilateral relations between Canada and India and explore multilateral initiatives in the era of Covid-19 recovery” and “the new geo-economics of the Indo-Pacific region and digital cooperation between Canada and India.”