The Karnataka government initiated its rural drive against Covid-19 with the intent to eradicate the fears and suspicion related to the vaccination. The senior member of the state cabinet, Suresh Kumar took the decision on Friday at a tribal village in Yelandur, Chamarajanagar district.
He reminded the tribal leaders about the Biligirirangana Betta Grama Panchayat located in Chamarajanagar district, which has been announced as a Covid-19 free panchayat. Further on, their new objective is to ensure 100 per cent Covid-19 free panchayats. He appealed to the leaders and motivated them to propagate the message as far as possible, and encourage everybody in the Panchayat to get vaccinated, according to Prajavani.
The Chamarajanagar district is a rural and tribal district, and had no prevalence of any anti-Covid-19 and vaccination related awareness. This is the first drive initiated to eliminate any unwillingness related to getting vaccinated and raise awareness in the rustic regions of the state of Karnataka.
Suresh Kumar revealed the government was interested on protecting the rural areas of the state from Coronavirus. The all people’s representatives, officials and social leaders residing in the nearby towns and cities will conduct the awareness campaign to promote vaccination.
Karnataka is one of the first states in India to have take the initiative to eradicate any misinformation prominent about Covid-19 vaccination in the remote regions. Kumar said, “We will make it better in the coming days by reaching the last person with vaccination and information on Standard Operating Protocol.”
Some of the districts having a high proportion of rural and tribal population in Karnataka are Chamarajanagar, Hunsur, Kodagu, Mandya, Dakshina Kannada, Chikkamagaluru, and are in the list of the government’s health department for conducting the vaccination awareness drive.