Karnataka Chief Secretary P Ravi Kumar on Saturday had issued a notification imposed compulsorily on private hospitals to depict the status of the beds and curate help desks, alerting them of “punishment” if they did not.
The state government has urged the private hospitals for having the reservation of 50 per cent of their beds for Covid-19 patients as given the reference of the authorities. Kumar stated, “However, some patients are finding difficulty in getting beds even after the allocation is made by the central allocation system of BBMP. This is causing a lot of hardship to patients.”
He further added, “Therefore, it is mandatory that all hospitals registered under the Karnataka Private Medical Establishments (KPME) Act should display at the reception counter bed allocation display board.”
The display board will be depicting the hospital’s name, the cumulative count of beds and the overall number of beds allotted for Covid-19 patients as provided the reference by BBMP, as per the notification.
Kumar stated, “The above data must corroborate with the data of the central bed allocation system of BBMP.”
He added, “The availability of essential medicines and provision of help desk in all hospitals for Covid-19 positive persons shall also be provided,” further laying emphasis on the non-compliance will be attracting punishment adhering to the Disaster Management Act and the Karnataka Epidemic Disease Act.