With the rising pressure from various sectors, Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar on Saturday said it is mandatory to take certain actions as the strict measures to contain Covid-19, thereby hinting at no relaxations amid the new set of guidelines. Sudhakar further revealed the new guidelines have been enforced based on the recommendations of the experts from the technical advisory committee after reviewing the current situation. He said if things would be contained till April 20, the activities will be permitted to restart again.
He said, “The government is not happy by restricting activities. I have been requesting through the media for the last one month that a second wave is at our doorstep and if we don’t understand and take precautionary measures, the government will have no other.”
While addressing the reporters, Sudhakar said Karnataka was one of the first states to restart all the business activities, however, presently the state is reporting around 5,000 cases daily with 3,500 cases particularly from Bengaluru. He asked, “The technical advisory committee has said this will be there for another two months, till the May end and the graph will start declining from June first week. If we don’t take measures and something untoward happens, won’t it be the government’s responsibility?”
The current restrictions will be imposed till April 20. He further said, “People from several sectors are saying their activities should not be restricted and should go on freely. Yes, we (govt) too understand, but things should not go out of our control, so it was inevitable for the government to take certain strict measures. We request for cooperation from everyone
The Minister addressed the pressure put forth by the private schools to function, gyms to operate with 50 per cent capacity, likewise the demand from swimming pool owners and club members, and the Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce wanted to meet chief minister B S Yediyurappa for the impact on industry with 50 per cent seating capacity.
He said, “These measures are not permanent, let’s follow these temporary measures for some days… I’m not saying it (Covid- 19 spread) can be controlled 100 per cent by these measures, but we can try to bring things under control.”
He further added, “The government is only trying to control this pandemic that’s all, there is no politics or any malicious intent behind this.”