Union Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan on Friday had a virtual meeting with the Indian community based in Nigeria, Benin and Chad via video conferencing and reassured them of the government’s commitment to assist them and for their welfare.
Muraleedharan wrote on Twitter, “Had a fruitful interaction with the Indian community in Nigeria, Benin and Chad, virtually. Reassured them of the government’s commitment for their welfare and wellbeing. Appreciated the community’s desire to explore avenues for giving back to India.”
India is the first trading partner of Nigeria, and Nigeria is the largest trading partner of India based in Africa. Nigeria is one of the top enerfu security partners of India.
Alongside, India provided assistance to Nigeria by supplyiong vaccines against Covid-19 to support the pandemic crisis. India had sent vaccines to Nigeria under the “Vaccine Maitri” initiative.