India on Tuesday strongly spoke at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) with a statement going against the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for Jammu and Kashmir, iterating that the body has no locus standi to speak for the issue. India further accused Pakistan regarding ‘misusing the august forum.”
PawanKumar Badhe, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to UN at the UNHRC said, “We reject the reference to union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in the OIC statement. It has no locus standi to comment on matters related to J&K, which is an integral and inalienable part of India.”
ANI further cited him stating, “Pakistan’s deliberate misuse of this august forum for its malicious propaganda against India, aimed at diverting Council’s attention from its own serious violations of human rights, has remained a constant.”
Badhe also mentioned that OIC allowing itself to be subjected to exploitation by Pakistan to involve in anti-India propaganda is highly regrettable. This is just a week later India turned down Pakistan Minister Shireen Mazaari’s criticism of the human rights situation adhering to Jammu and Kashmir.
Second secretary in the permanent mission to the UN Seema Pujani mentioned on February 24 about Pakistan being “one of the world’s worst human rights records” wherein “institutionalised discrimination and persecution” of minorities is persistent unabated.
Regarding Turkey’s remarks about the situation in Kashmir, Pujani described it as “completely unacceptable”.
She said, “It’s ironical for a country which has trampled upon its own civil society to pass unjustified comments on other’s internal matter.”