Karnataka High Court is deliberating on a PIL filed which appeals for the police department to obtain body-worn cameras for the police force. According to the person filing the PIL, this move will help to prevent the incidence of corruption in handling the cases and simultaneously add to the safety of the policemen.
The petitioner revealed that she had exercised the Right to Information Act, with which she got the innate information about the purchase of 50 cameras by the Bengaluru City Police Commissionerate which were supposed to be utilized for the traffic policemen by spending amount worth Rs 75 lakh on the purchase. However, the petitioner highlighted that neither of the cameras purchased are utilized by the traffic policemen.
Emphasizing on the benefits, the petitioner said there is a substantial evidence with the cameras worn and will also instill fear when any offender tries to approach the force. Further, the cameras will be a source of confidence for the police officers.
The petitioner has appealed for given consideration by the police department for the representation filed by her on September 10, 2019 and November 24, 2020.
A division bench led by Chief Justice Abhay Shreeeniwas Oka has issued a notice to the State DGP, IGP and Bengaluru City Police Commissioner and the court also issued the instructions for the state government and the police department to file objection statements by January 21, 2021.