Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the centenary convocation virtually held for University of Mysore on Monday. PM Modi commenced his address by giving his greetings on the on-going Dasara festivities in Mysuru and that there is similar excitement regarding the celebrations despite the restrictions induced by Covid-19.
Modi expressed the anguish that intervened the festivities’ excitement with the floods that caused havoc in regions of Karnataka, adding that the central and the Karnataka governments were making their best attempts to provide relief during the floods.
The prime minister, then, spoke about the relevance of education for the youth of the country, and, about the applicability of the acquired knowledge in the campus of life. Quoting a famous Kannada author, Gorur Ramswamy Iyengar, PM said “education is the guiding light in the difficulties of life.”
Modi said, “In the last 6-7 months you might have seen the speed and the ambit of reforms are increasing. Whether it is agriculture, space, defence, aviation or labour. In every sector necessary changes are being made for growth.”
Talking about the educational reforms, Modi said, attempts are being made to make India a hub or centre for the higher education in terms of skills, qualitative and quantitatively and to empower the youth to be skilled and competitive. He further emphasized on the elements of gender and social participation, in the same reference with strong focus on multidimensional approach.
He expressed his joy regarding the implementation of NEP by the University of Mysore.
There will be new reforms in the education system, and with that, in the medical sector, there will be more seats for the medical aspirants, said Modi. He also mentioned about the reforms and seeping fundamental changes in the education backbone of the economy with the enforcement of National Education Policy.
PM Modi concluded his address by congratulating the students on convocation and iterated on being self-reliant to the students which will help the economy be self-reliant.
At the virtual convocation ceremony, Karnataka Governor Vajubhai Vala and Deputy Chief Minister C N Ashwath Narayan were also present.