Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the country through monthly radio programme “Mann Ki Baat” and issued a warning for the citizens to be careful and not fall prey to the rising rumours about Covid-19 vaccine. He further appealed to the citizens of the country to grasp Information and statistics about the deadly virus via reliable sources during his speech on the 76th edition of “Mann Ki Baat”.
Modi further spoke about the tough fight given by the Centre for supporting all the states and Union territories, and the key role for combating the Covid-19 pandemic has been played by healthcare professionals like doctors, nurses and frontline workers.
While addressing the 76th episode of “Mann Ki Baat”, PM Modi stated, “I appeal to you all to seek information on Covid-19 through reliable sources only. I am seeing many doctors have taken to social media to share information on Covid-19 and are also offering consultations.”
During the show, Modi had a discussion with two doctors, one based in Mumbai and the other from Jammu and Kashmir pertaining to the attributes of the virus after evolution amid the second wave. He further went to recommend the citizens to read about Covid-19 via reliable sources as misinformation is common.
PM Modi further had a call with two nurses from Bhopal and Bengaluru respectively and asked them about their experiences in tackling the affected Covid-19 patients. He said, “Nursing staff and doctors are doing their duty well and they are an inspiration for us.”
Modi’s address comes when the country is combating second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. India, on Sunday recorded highest single day spike till now with fresh cases count of 349,691 raising the total tally to 16,960,172. There have been 2,767 fatalities reported raising the cumulative death toll to 192,311.