Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday carried out a review of the preparedness of Indian Army and the measures and initiatives taken to support the country with the management amid the ongoing second wave of Covid-19 crisis when Chief of Army Staff General MM Naravane asked for him.
The official statement released from Prime Minister’s Office stated, “They discussed various initiatives being taken by the Army to help in Covid management.”
General Naravane revealed to PM Modi about the medical staff of the Amy to be accessible to help out different states. He also mentioned about the Army working to set up temporary beds in several hospitals throughout the country.
General Naravane said to PM Modi that the Army is all ready for setting up hospitals for civilians as and when possible and appealed to people to approach the army hospitals in the vicinity. He further informed PM Modi that the Army has been supporting the manpower for imported tankers and vehicles where specialized skills are need for further management.
Currently, India is battling with a second wave of Covid-19 disease and several hospitals in the country are having a severe shortage of oxygen supply and beds as the number of cases have witnessed a spike in cases.
India on Thursday registered 3,79,257 current Covid-19 cases and 3,645 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours according to the data released by the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.