Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday conducted a review meeting over Covid-19 vaccination drive in the country with rising cases of Delta plus variant, which has affected over 50 people, according to news agency PTI. The meeting was held by PM Modi to furthe discuss about the progress of the Covid-19 vaccination drive in the country.
The meeting was held virtually a month after Centre extended the free vaccination drive for everyone 18 years and above. The Delta Plus variant, highly transmissible in nature, was first identified in three states – Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra, earlier this week., and was later detected in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
The meeting was chaired by PM Modi a day after the Union Health Ministry appealed to eight states and union territories to rush and implement immediate measures which comprise preventing the gathering of crowds, increase in testing.
From the start of the vaccination drive in January, a minimum of 31,50,45,926 doses of Covid-19 vaccine an overall 61,19,169 vaccine doses were administered in the previous 24 hours.