Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday had a surprise interaction with students of class 12 amid a virtual meeting with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The meeting was conducted by Union Education Ministry, days after the decision was implemented to cancel the class 12 exams.
During the meeting, PM Modi also had an interaction with the parents of the students and addressed their concerns and queries.
The decision to cancel the class XII examinations was taken at a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after which he tweeted, “After extensive consultations, we have taken a decision that is student friendly, one that safeguards the health as well as the future of our youth.”
Several students had urged the CBSE and the Union Government to cancel the examination. The students were in fear of getting the viral infection while writing the examination, and those under 18 were still not eligible for vaccination.
After CBSE class 12 examinations were cancelled, CISCE and various state governments announced cancellation of their respective class 12 exams.