The security forces were observed carrying out Republic day Parade rehearsals in New Delhi on Monday morning during the cold and chilly weather conditions of the capital city. The group of forces which comprises of senior Indian Army and paramilitary personnel would practice in Rajpath area from 5 am to 10 am.
Amid their rehearsal rounds, the security personnel were following the Covid-19 norms of maintaining social distancing and wearing the masks. A passer-by visitor said, “We come every day to see the rehearsal. Seeing security personnel full of motivation inspires us.”
Jatin, the second visitor told to ANI, “It’s very difficult to wake up in the early morning but they are here from 2 am and doing much for the country.”
On Sunday, several parts of North India had an intense cold wave which was such that the temperatures dropped to below 5 degree Celsius mark with dense fog covering various areas.
Considering the present situation of Covid-19 pandemic, the National Security Guard (NSG), the elite force of India for counter-terrorism operations has made some amendments for the Republic Day parade. The NSG commandos would maintain a distance of over 1.5 metres from each other during their march. In the earlier times, the march protocol was shoulder-to-shoulder. During the march, the distance will be prominent to the observers, particularly representative of following the Covid-19 protocols.
This year marks the 72nd Republic Day, and will be celebrated with grit to honour the day when India transitioned towards becoming an independent economy post the implementation of the Constitution.