Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat initiated on Thursday the inauguration ceremony of the debut of the Nayar Valley Adventure festival and also the National Paragliding Accurcay Competition based in Pauri. The sports festival was organized in Uttarakhand with the intent of attracting more adventure tourism for the state.
The first ever festival of its kind, the Uttarakhand’s Nayar Valley Adventure Sports festival will complete by November 22. On the eve of the sports festival, Trivendra Singh Rawat declared for a training centre to be set-up for the paragliding training in Nayar Valley. Rawat directed the officials for choosing a land that will appropriate for setting-up the paragliding training centre.
The festivities commenced with the aero-show exhibited by different pilots. As per the organizers of the festival, both the events of National Paragliding competition and mountain trail bike racing starting from Lansdowne and ending at Pauri will take place. There will be nearly 100 participants engaging in the paragliding competition and nearly 30 have given their names for the mountain trail biking.
The closing ceremony of the event will have the prize distribution ceremony.
Trivendra Singh Rawat said Uttarakhand comprises richly of all the required natural resources and when channelized efficiently, it will yield a good amount of financial security for the state. Rawat said, “State government is focused on giving a facelift to rural areas, health services, film division, and tourism. To lure tourists, theme-based destinations are being developed.”
The Chief Minister took to Twitter to share the news, “Inaugurated the first Nayar Valley Adventure Festival at Bilkhet, Pauri and launched the National Paragliding Accuracy Competition today. A paragliding training centre set to open on this occasion. This event will help make the Nayar valley of Pauri a new adventure destination.”
(With inputs from ANI agency)