Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa cleared the air on the upcoming night curfew on Friday by revealing the decision of the government that there are no plans to have a night curfew anytime further for now as per the recommendations given by the State’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
When being asked about any plans for night curfew, Yediyurappa iterated, “For now, there are no such plans.”
The TAC had given a clear warning about a second wave of Covid-19 to be anticipated for the month of January-February 2021 in the advisory presented to government on November 30.
To contain any triggers for the second wave, the TAC had given the suggestions of imposing a ban on the celebrations for the New Years’s eve from December 26 to Jnauary 1, by giving the propasals of implementing a night curfew from 8 pm to 5 am to curb large gatherings of people. The suggestions were specifically for celebrations in resorts, hotels, and on the high streets of Bengaluru which includes MG Road, Brigade Road, etc.
On Thursday, Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai revealed to the reporters in Mangaluru that the governmenthad not broached the topic of night curfews. Alongside, Health Minister K Sudhakar was in the support for favouring restrictions on New Year’s ceebrations or parties
As of December 3, Karnataka has recorded overall 8.89 lakh Covid-19 cases, from which a count of 24, 689 are presently active cases. A total of 11,000 people have lost their lives succumbing to the pandemic. Bengaluru Urban has as many as 18,938 active cases.