Karnataka Health Minister Dr K Sudhakar on Monday revealed that the state of Karnataka has reported around 97 cases of Mucormycosis, also commonly known as black fungus amid the Covid-19 outbreak.
While addressing a press conference post meeting with black fungal infection, Sudhakar said, “ Till yesterday 97 people contracted this (black fungus) disease in the state.”
However, Sudhakar appealed to the people to not panic as black fungus is not anything like Covid-19. He stated, “It did affect a few people in the state, which I accept…compared to previous years, this year it is more in number.”
Sudhakar, a doctor by profession, suspected that the disease comes from the utilization of tap water. Sudhakar told the doctors and paramedics, “It did affect a few people in the state, which I accept…compared to previous years, this year it is more in number.”
As per Sudhakar, consuming excess steroids among the diabetic patients further increases the sugar level, and those who do not manage the same are highly susceptible to black fungus.
Considering the increasing incidence of black fungus, Sudhakar intimated the regional centres about its treatment. The centres constitute Mysuru Medical College, Shivamogga Institute of Medical College, Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences based in Kalaburagi, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences at Hubballi, Kasturba Medical College and Wenlock District Hospital located in Mangaluru.
Meanwhile, the state of Karnataka has already urged the Centre to provide 25,000 doses of Amphotericin B, an anti-fungal medicine.