Bollywood Actor Mithun Chakraborty has given all the rumors an end by announcing about him joining the Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) as he reached the Brigade Parade ground in Kolkata, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi will conduct the mega rally. Mithun Chakaraborty joined the party right ahead of the rally which is scheduled to commence after 2 pm.
Mithun Chakraborty had a meeting with BJP national secretary in-charge West Bengal Kailash Vijayvargiya on Saturday evening at his Kolkata residence and declared that he will be attending rally by PM Modi on Sunday.
Modi will be speaking at the mega rally as West Bengal enters an eight-phase Assembly elections which will be commencing on March 27. As per BJP state president Dilip Singh, the election rally will be attended by around 10 lakh people.
Chakraborty has been a successful actor and even sent to Rajya Sabha representing Trinamool Congress (TMC) in 2014 after it rose to power in 2011. Though Chakraborty had a very less time into politics, as he resigned in 2016 citing health issues.