Govt will avoid WhatsApp and other social media regarding salary communication

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The Union Government has taken the call of ruling out their proposal of permitting WhatsApp along with several other social media platforms for any communication pertaining to the employees under the new labour codes with privacy concerns and the constant fear that the move would be used to legitimize the social media platforms for any form of official communication.

Union Labour Secretary Apurva Chandra while speaking to Media on Thursday said that the “anomaly will be corrected and the Centre will remove WhatsApp and other social media platforms from wage communication draft notification.” Chandra mentioned about the government being highly inclined towards valuing the privacy concerns of employees thereby mentioning that WhatsApp along with other social media platforms would be separated from the final orders.

The update has been at a time when just a month post the Union Labour Ministry had deliberated on feedback over a latest provision of sharing intimation pertaining to the payments via the electronic mode under the draft standing orders towards manufacturing, mining and services sector, was shared by an official to PTI on January 11.

 Earlier, in December 2020, the ministry had passed two draft standing orders over the services sector along with manufacturing and mining sectors. The issued orders stated, “All payment including wages to the workers shall be paid by crediting in the bank account of worker on electronic mode or digital form. Intimation to a worker shall be sent to him through Short Messaging Service (SMS) or e-mail or social media communication, such as WhatsApp or by issuing a slip.”

But, people have expressed their worries about the measure which would permit the organizations for displaying the financial and personal details of the respective employees over social media platforms which will be an easy access for everyone.

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