Railway Minister Piyush Goyal on Sunday said as much as 18,065 kilometres of the railway line have been electrified over a period from 2014 to 2020 under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which made a ‘quantum jump’ of 371 per cent in its growth progress, when comparing six year prior to that.
Piyush Goyal tweeted, “Under PM Modi ji’s leadership, Railways has achieved many milestones towards infrastructure development. Electrified 18,06 km of Railway line in 2014-2020. Electrification of railway tracks increased by 371 per cent during 2014-20 as compared to 2008-14.”
The Railway Minister further added infographics in his tweet, stating that only 3,83 km of railway track line was electrified between 2008 to 2014. The tweet also revealed the future plan of electrifying 28,143 km between 2019 – 2024, from which 5,642 k have been commissioned till October 2020.
As per Ministry of Railways, a crucial line between Ajmer to Delhi Dighwada-Bandikui railwy route has been electrified. The Ministry further added, “A key step towards making the National Capital Region free from Railways Diesel Engines. This will contribute in making a cleaner and greener environment in the NCR.”