Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday appealed to all the citizens of India to participate in several events held throughout the country, as part of the Amruta Mahotsav, which is celebrated to commemorate the 75th Independence Day of India on August 15, 2022.
While addressing Mann Ki Baat, PM Modi said, “The 75th Independence Day should be an inspiration for us. Our mantra should be ‘India first’, it should be the basis of all our decisions.”
He added, “We will talk in detail about preparations being carried out for the event celebration when we meet for our next Mann Ki Baat episode.”
Celebrated as a ‘people’s movement’ by the government of India, Amrut Mahotsava will be managed by a committee of national implementation led by Union home minister Amit Shah.
India will remember its freedom fighters and revive the history associated with them, as a part of the celebrations, said Modi. “I had asked the youth to research and write on our freedom struggle on one of the earlier Mann Ki Baat episodes. The purpose of this exercise was to make young talent, thinking and opinion come forward. I was pleased to find that more than 2,500 youths carried out this task,” he further added.
In May, PM launched ‘Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav’ in Gujarat. He paid tributes to all freedom fighters including Mahatma Gandhi for the country’s independence movement prior to flagging the event.
He said, “I pay my respects at the feet of Bapu on this auspicious occasion. I bow to the feet of all the great personalities who sacrificed their lives during the freedom struggle of the country and lead the country. I salute them.”
Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav’ signifies the “elixir of the energy of freedom, Modi said, “…it means the nectar of inspiration from freedom fighters, the nectar of new ideas, the nectar of new resolutions. and the nectar of self-reliance,” further adding that this nectar of inspiration will inspire the upcoming generations of the country.