Union Minister for Education Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ will be holding a live session scheduled for December 10 at 10 am for revealing the important information and notices pertaining to the forthcoming competitive and board exams.
Prior to the session, the Union Minister appealed to the people to express their worries with the Education Ministry for providing help to the students and answering their queries. The minister tweeted, “Dear teachers, parents and students, happy to share that I am going to live on December 10 at 10 am to talk about upcoming competitive/board exams with you. Drop your concerns below using #EducationMinisterGoesLive.”
Ramesh Pokhriyal posted a video on Twitter, in which he has expressed congratulations to the teachers and parents for supporting the students to adjust with the new online mode of teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic induced lockdown.
He said, “Respected teachers, parents and students, first of all, I would like to congratulate you all. During these hard times of Covid-19 pandemic, both the teachers and parents helped the children adopt the new environment of online education.”
He further added, “As Prime Minister Narendra Modi says we must turn big problems into big opportunities.”
Earlier, on November 27, the Minister had presented a compilation of initiative undertaken by School Education Department amid the Covid-19 pandemic.