Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank on Tuesday declared that the CBSE board exams for class 10th and 12th will not be held till February next year. The Education Minister was live on Tuesday evening over Twitter and addressing the teachers all over the country regarding the topic of board exams.
Pokhriyal said, “The Board examinations would not be conducted in January and February 2021. We would conduct the Board exams after February, whenever the situation is favorable.”
The minister further added that the Centre will review the Covid-19 situation in February and further decide the dates to conduct the CBSE Board exams.
Amid his interaction with teachers on social media, he further revealed that the practical examinations for Class 10 and 12 will usually be scheduled for the month of January and the Centre is still deliberating on the decision for conducting the examinations or not.
There was a lot of confusion among the teachers and the students regarding the dates for the Board exams, as regularly the schedule for the examination is generally released by November for the upcoming year. The live discussion was earlier scheduled for November 17, but postponed to December 22. Pokhriyal had earlier written on Twitter, “My dear teachers, I will be going live on December 22 at 4 pm to talk to you about the upcoming board exams. Do tune in and share your concerns with me.”